05 November 2008

Good Times Bad Times

From my house I can hear the people gathered in downtown Santa Cruz, cheering for President-elect Barack Obama. Horns are honking, passers by are whooping, and someone out by the high school is setting off actual, professional-quality fireworks.

And I'm glad, too. Glad for the country and glad for my neighbors who helped change the course of this great nation.

But while the thought of Obama as president-elect should be cheerful, my heart is heavy because the citizens of the once-great state of California have decided to enshrine fear and discrimination into the state constitution.

As of 5 Nov 2008, 00:45 PST, with 63.6% of the precincts reporting statewide, Proposition 8 was passing, 52.7% to 47.3%. This means select California citizens will be constitutionally forbidden to marry, despite the fact the California Supreme Court has said such discrimination is wrong. In other words, even though a group of judges — legal scholars — has evaluated California law and said that forbidding marriage from a specific group is illegal, the voters of California have overridden them to ensure such discrimination is constitutionally sanctioned.

This despite the fact that states such as Vermont, Massachusetts, and New York have voted to recognize the validity of all marriages, regardless of gender composition. So much for the idea that California is at the vanguard of personal rights and freedoms.

I never thought I'd see this once-great state fall so far.

It seems Californians have decided the separate-but-equal postulate put forth in Plessy v. Ferguson is actually valid. But that idea is 112 years old, and was soundly rejected in the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision. Regardless, the Mormon church has been able to convince a majority of Californians to deny basic societal rights to a small group of citizens. I'm sure they're proud of themselves.

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Good Times Bad TimesSong by Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin - Mothership (Remastered) - Good Times Bad Times

1 comment:

Radicalsingularity said...

What in the world makes you think obama is a good president? Has he decided to destroy the patriot act II? Why is he in bed with that nut ball in iran? Have we left the middle east? Does national health care scare you? Has he said that he will eliminate standardized testing? Why does he cow-tow to the special interests, which he said he would not. Need I continue? Needless to say he seems to be the same old song only now it wears a black mask. Big deal, so he's black. I would rather have a real leader. I mean Bush is a moron and should be brought up on war crimes, but hey why do we need to go to extremes just to prove to the world we are civilized. At the cost of destroying this country, no thanks! At least the south seems to be heading for succession. So we won't have to be saddled with the country as it goes down in flames.