12 December 2009

I'm the leader of society since I got mine.

So, it turns out that faux populist Glenn Beck is really just a war profiteer. Nice.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Beck - Not So Mellow Gold
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All his schtick about the downfall of America isn't actually based on personal philosophies or political views or even racist tendencies, it's all just good old fashioned market manipulation. He's fomenting civil unrest because that leads to economic uncertainty which leads to investment in precious goods, specifically gold, and he's the paid spokesman for a gold trader.

Well, it's great to know that undermining the foundations of this nation is an acceptable way for commentators on Fox News to make a profit. And if it's OK for the employees to do that, I wonder if the network itself has any qualms about the practice.

PostReferenceMore Info
"I'm the leader of society since I got mine."Lyrics from the blues standard I Got Mine performed by Ry Cooder (among many others)Ry Cooder - The Ry Cooder Anthology: The UFO Has Landed - I Got Mine

06 December 2009

Roll On Down the Highway

People, when you're stopped at a light, your primary obligation is to be prepared to move as soon as the light is in your favor. A red light is not the time to check your messages, text a friend, apply more makeup, or tuck into a breakfast burrito.

I'm unbelievably tired of seeing the light turn green then waiting for half a minute before being able to proceed forward.


PostReferenceMore Info
Roll On Down the HighwaySong by Bachman-Turner OverdriveBachman-Turner Overdrive - 20th Century Masters - The Millennium Collection: The Best of Bachman-Turner Overdrive - Roll On Down the Highway