09 April 2006

The Universe is a Spheroid Region 705 Meters in Diameter.

While I have been miserable at my current job for almost three years now, I have made faint effort to pursue other opportunities. A half-dozen inquiries about various positions, three actual interviews, but certainly not the significant effort you'd expect from someone so dispirited and bereft.

Similarly I'm not satisfied with several aspects of my personal life, including but not limited to, my fitness level, my housing stock, and various interpersonal relationships. Despite the obvious avenues of change for each of these elements, the last six years have seen little improvement. Not coincidentally, six years ago I started my current job, or (as I now realize) began ignoring my conscience and bartering my soul for money, stock options, and a 401(k).

In trying to figure out why I'm so slow to change, I've realized I am far too comfortable with facets of my current existence. The trappings of my job, free time in the evenings, the color of my walls...I've grown accustomed to these things. I've settled into a nice little world of familiarity.

I am the poster child for inertia.

But my growing distaste for some of the core elements of my little world is upsetting the balance in this control volume. So I'm developing a plan, starting with remodeling the house. Once that's done and I've assessed the financial impact, I can start looking seriously at a line of work that could provide some measure of personal reward, though likely less remuneration than my current soul-sucking career.

Yep, it's time to git 'er done.

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